Comprehensive Care
Comprehensive Care
We have specialist clinics for:
As of August 2022, Beach Brain has proudly partnered with other Vestibular Experts to produce the most comprehensive multidisciplinary Dizziness and Vestibular Assessment Clinic in Queensland - Dr Benjamin Tsang, Neuro-Otologist, Lara Titlestad, Ryan Clark and Heather Tolhoek, Vestibular Physiotherapists from AVC, and Grant Collins, Vestibular Audiologist from QVCC now provide a comprehensive triage and assessment process for all patients referred with dizziness and suspected vestibular problems.
Beach Brain, with our outstanding Rehabilitation experts, along with an extensive multidisciplinary team, provides a comprehensive private concussion clinic, allowing multidisciplinary assessment and rehabilitation for mild traumatic brain injury. The first private clinic of its kind, it is modelled on the success of Dr Butson's public hospital clinic, which has been in operation for some time; both services are leading the State in optimising outcomes for this under-recognised condition.
Detailed nerve conduction studies (nerve tests), electromyography (muscle tests), and other more specialised testing including facial studies and single-fibre EMG can be performed. We are the only practice on the Sunshine Coast that offers these advanced techniques.
We do not perform EEG services on-site, preferring to utilise either the excellent EEG service at SCUH or nearby private providers.
Our Physicians visit a range of hospitals across the Sunshine Coast, including public and private facilities: