Comprehensive Care
Comprehensive Care
Unfortunately, rising administrative overheads, new State tax obligations, and extreme demand for our services have required us to review our fee structure for 2024 to allow us to continue to provide the comprehensive care we are proud to deliver, and provide our valued patients with the time they deserve.
Effective March 1st, 2024, Beach Brain is moving to a 'fixed fee' structure for appointments. This allows more certainty about cost upfront, with the Medicare rebate varying depending on criteria relating to condition complexity.
As of March 1, the new appointment fees are:
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment New Appointment - $650 (Medicare rebate $430)
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Review - $400 (Medicare rebate $268)
New Appointment - $500 (Medicare rebate $140-250)
Review Appointment - $250 (Medicare rebate $70-125)
Botulinum toxin injection + migraine review - $385 (Medicare rebate $185)
Phone consultation - $80 (Medicare rebate $40)
Nerve Conduction Studies:
Carpal Tunnel Study, one limb - $200 (Medicare rebate of $140)
Carpal Tunnel Study, two limbs - $250 (Medicare rebate of $209)
Standard NCS, 30 minutes - $300 (Medicare rebate of $209)
Complex NCS +/- EMG - $500 (Medicare rebate of $209-349)
We are not a bulk-billing practice, although DVA and Workcover appointments are directly funded by those agencies and do not incur any out-of-pocket cost.
As always, our administrative staff will send you an information letter prior to your appointments, which will specify which appointment type has been booked, along with the relevant fee. No more surprises after the appointment, and no more vague ranges of possible fees (given the applicable medicare item cannot always be known prior to your appointment), so you know upfront what is happening.
Almost all of our physicians spend a large proportion of their time working in the public health system, where we provide care for those who cannot pay private fees. For those patients who will now find it difficult to continue to see us at Beach Brain, we are happy to offer a referral to SCUH for ongoing care.
We thank our patients for their trust in our care.