Comprehensive Care
Comprehensive Care
Rehabilitation Physician
Concussion, CTE and Acquired Brain Injury including Spasticity
Dr. Tim Butson is a Rehabilitation Medicine Physician based on the Sunshine Coast. He is a Fellow of the Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine through the Royal Australasian College of Physicians and an Associate Member of the Australasian College of Sport and Exercise Physicians.
Dr. Butson graduated from James Cook University in 2013 with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery. He then undertook his junior doctor training at the Princess Alexandra Hospital where he realised his interest in Rehabilitation after working in the Spinal Injuries Unit.
Dr. Butson has since gone on to complete a Diploma of Sports and Exercise Medicine at the University of Otago and a Masters of Sports Medicine at the University of Melbourne.
He has an interest in disability sport, exercise medicine, concussion and spasticity management. He enjoys helping any person, no matter what their goals are and facilitating care amongst the health professionals, families and coaches of his patients in order to achieve the best outcome.
He enjoys spending his spare time with his family and his golden retriever Lenny as well as performing at a sub-average level in triathlons.
Dr Tim Butson